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Last Updated: January 15, 2025

Together, we can make a significant difference in reducing our community’s potential exposure to norovirus. 


  • Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and stomach pain.
  • Other symptoms may include fever, headache, and body aches.
  • Symptoms of norovirus usually last 1-3 days, and most people recover quickly. 


  • Someone can get norovirus via direct contact with a person who has it, such as by sharing food or drinks or touching contaminated surfaces.
  • People can still spread norovirus for 2 weeks or more after they feel better.  


  • Unfortunately, there is no specific medication to treat norovirus.
  • To help prevent transmission, everyone should practice good hand hygiene by washing with soap and water frequently.
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are ineffective against norovirus.
  • Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces. 

If You Are Sick

  • If you have symptoms of norovirus, please stay home and do not attend class or come to work.
  • If you have diarrhea or are vomiting, it is important to get rest and drink plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration. Oral rehydration solutions such as Pedialyte are best.
  • Stay in your residence hall room or home while you have symptoms and for the first few days after you feel better because this is the period during which you are most contagious.
  • Have someone else bring food to you while you have symptoms. Students on Tufts meal plans can follow this process.
  • Do not return to dining centers, restaurants or go shopping until you have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
  • Handle contaminated laundry with care. Wash the items with detergent and hot water at the maximum available cycle length, and then machine dry them at the highest heat setting.
  • After your symptoms subside, do not prepare food for anyone other than yourself for at least 3 days. 

Missing School or Work

If you need to miss school or work due to illness or isolation, we encourage you to take good care of yourself, your health, and your well-being. 

AS&E Students

University policy does not require sick notes for missing class. If students cannot attend class due to illness, they should inform their professor as soon as possible. Students may notify instructors via email or through the Short-Term Illness Notification tool in SIS.  

All Other Students

If you need to miss class, let your course instructors know that you will be absent and follow your school’s policy for excused absences. 

Students Working in Clinical Settings

  • Notify Tufts Occupational Health Services at 617-627-6500 of the exposure or diagnosis.
  • Students working on clinical rotations should notify their relevant rotation or clerkship directors and the Office of Student Affairs.   

Faculty, Staff, and Students

Communicate with your manager that you will miss work. 

If Your Symptoms Are Severe, Seek Medical Treatment


Medford/Somerville/SMFA campuses 
Student Health Service 
124 Professors Row, Medford 
Phone: 617-627-3350 
On-call service is available 24/7 

Boston Health Sciences campus 
Center for Collegiate Wellness at Tufts Medical Center 
Floating Building at Tufts Medical Center
800 Washington Street, 3rd Floor (near the elevator bank)
Phone: 617-636-6006  
If the Center is closed, contact your PCP or local urgent care clinic.  

Grafton campus 
Student Health Services 
200 Westboro Road, Ground Floor, Room 103, Grafton  
Phone: 508-887-4300  
If the office is closed, contact your PCP or local urgent care clinic.  

Faculty & Staff

Contact your PCP, visit the Occupational Health Services (OHS) location on your campus, or contact OHS at 617-627-6500 and select the number for your campus (Medford/Somerville=1; Boston Health Sciences=2; Grafton=3). 
