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We continually monitor the most recent public health data and trends to inform our policies, requirements, and recommendations. Grounded in the most current science and consistent with our academic and research mission, we make all decisions with the best interests of our campus community and neighbors in mind.

These pages are updated regularly with relevant guidance.

Vaccination Information

Read about the university's COVID-19, Influenza, and other immunization requirements and recommendations. Find out how to obtain vaccination documentation and where to submit it when required. Get details about upcoming campus vaccination clinics when Tufts offers them.

Vaccination Information
COVID-19 Guidance

Review current Tufts guidelines and policies related to masking, vaccination, testing, illness, and isolation.

COVID-19 Information
Influenza Guidance

Explore current Tufts guidelines and policies related to influenza prevention and care.

Influenza Information
Mpox Guidance

Read current Tufts guidelines and policies related to mpox prevention and care.

Mpox Information
Mosquito Borne Illnesses

Read about how mosquito borne illnesses like EEE and West Nile virus spread and precautions you can take from being infected.

Mosquito Borne Illness Information
Norovirus Guidance

Read about the signs and symptoms of norovirus, what to do if you have it, and how to help prevent it from spreading. 

Norovirus Information